Monday, October 18, 2010

We are back.  And in accordance with our commitment to not acquire "stuff," we only bought things that we know to be useful and believe to be beautiful :).  In the useful category, I bought lovely valances embroidered with lavendar sprigs handmade in a little shop in Bamberg. I was really excited since I've been flummoxed by how to treat the kitchen windows.

Dangerously close to tchochke-dom is my pewter Koenigspudl and a little wooden poodle from Dresden. But every single thing we bought was handmade in the place we bought it, so that's pretty great.

Both beautiful and useful are the Bamberg beer stein and little handmade pewter beer bottle cover from Nurnberg. In the breathtakingly beautiful category are my birthday presents: a Versace bowl and teapot from Rosenthal. Now it sounds like we bought a lot, but not counting birthday presents and curtains, it's really not.

It was an amazing trip; we agree it was the best holiday we've ever had.  We learned a lot, we saw beautiful things and most importantly, we spent time with people who are very special to us.

Now I am very busy getting ready for the Vegetarian Food Festival, but I am also determined to finish painting the upstairs bathroom tile and tub.  The big painting projects will probably have to wait until November.